Thursday, September 11, 2008

Track Training

This week I did some track workouts. After not running on the weekend…a mixture of excuses…E-man was sleeping through the night but I guess at six months he’s going through a growth spurt and all of the sudden he wants to get up every two-four hours and eat again.

So after a sleepless night, Michelle calls me up and says, “Hey you know it’s raining outside.” And I’m like oh cool no run today, can’t take my baby out in that. But by the time I did get up the rain had cleared up and I started feeling guilty.

So Sunday I got my BD to take me to the track and he watched E-man while I ran around the track, 2-3 times moderately fast, 1 time walking recovery…repeated 3 or 4 times. Ended up running somewhere between 3 and 4 miles.

Went so great my BD decided to join me on the track the next day. There were a surprising amount of people on the track for a Monday…I guess because it was Labor Day and all. I pushed the jogging stroller for the first half of the run then he took E-man for the remainder. It’s nice to have a break from pushing the jogging stroller sometimes but I almost feel naked or something…like an extension of me is missing.

My BD had watched this guy the day before so we decided to copy him. We ran the long half of the track as fast as we possibly could like we were running for dear life, then walked the loop at the end, then raced the other long half, and then walked the end again, repeating ‘till we were exhausted. Did the same distance as yesterday – about 2-3 miles.

Tuesday took off. Wednesday met Michelle in Central Park. We decided we are really going to make September count since it is our last month to really get the hard core training in. At least the second half of October we should be taking it easy before the marathon.

We had a good run in Central Park on Wednesday. We ran up and down a hill that’s about a quarter of a mile long two times. Then we ran a four mile loop. Then we ran up and down the hill another two times. It was pretty cool. Looking forward to a good fourteen mile run on Saturday.

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